Who We Serve

Her Justice clients are women living in poverty in New York City who have legal needs in the areas of family, divorce, and immigration law.
We provide critical free legal services to women who couldn’t otherwise afford it, women who must go through the civil justice system to access basic rights, like financial autonomy and freedom from abuse.
Every Her Justice client has an urgent legal need.
Whether it’s Mary*, in the Bronx, who recently lost her job due to COVID-19, while her husband, who remains employed, has stopped paying the child support he owes; or Grace*, in Brooklyn, who needs a divorce in order to avoid responsibility for the increasing debt her husband is racking up in her name; or Natalia*, in Queens, a survivor of human trafficking seeking the right to work so that she can support herself and her children free from abuse… Her Justice stands with women when they need it most.
Find out more about the services Her Justice provides >
Learn more about our Pro Bono First model >
*Name changed to protect client confidentiality
Reina* talks about the support she received from Her Justice.
Denisse* talks about her desperate battle and how Her Justice “saved her.”
Alice M.* thanks Her Justice for “giving her her life back.”